
Purser: This Small Business Week, Raise a Mug to America’s Beer Distributors

This week is National Small Business Week and an excellent opportunity for all Americans to celebrate the backbone of the U.S. economy – small businesses. Throughout the country, small businesses […]

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Purser: Independent beer distributors proud to ‘serve’ America

The rebound in the March jobs report coupled with months of tremendous progress reducing U.S. unemployment is a reminder that policy makers must always keep growth and hiring top of […]

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Schilleci: Alabama beer distributors deliver vital message in Washington, D.C.

Alabama’s independent beer distributors are convening with their counterparts from every state in the nation this week at a national conference to deliver a compelling message to lawmakers. As local […]

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Female lobbyists change face of beer industry

by Alex Gangitano The leading voices for the beer industry in Washington, D.C., are women, breaking the stereotype that beer is a male-dominated business. For women at the industry’s most […]

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Purser: Regulations Help Keep American Alcohol Safe to Drink

Recently, the U.S. State Department issued a warning to spring breakers headed to Mexico — beware of tainted, unregulated alcohol. Here in the United States, consumers can have confidence that […]

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