Cross-Industry Compensation Survey: Driver & Warehouse Positions

Distributor Reported Data

Cross-Industry Compensation Survey: Driver & Warehouse Positions

The 2023 Cross-Industry Compensation Benchmarking Survey: Driver & Warehouse Positions is an invaluable business tool. The results of this study give you better understanding of how your company’s compensation levels and benefits practices compare to other distributors and wholesalers.

The 2023 study is available for purchase by NBWA members.

Format: Online PDF


  • Participating Distributor Members: FREE
  • Non-Participating Distributor Members: $1,200
  • Platinum Associate Members: $975
  • Gold Associate Members: $1,500


Or complete the paper order form.

Compensation & Benefits Study

The Compensation and Benefits Study is an industry study that allows NBWA members to compare their compensation levels and benefits policies with other distributors of similar size and by region.

Produced every other year, NBWA’s Compensation and Benefits Study provides timely information and is an important management tool for beer distributors.

The 2022 study is available for purchase by NBWA members.

Format: Online PDF


  • Participating Distributor Members: FREE
  • Non-Participating Distributor Members: $1,200
  • Platinum Associate Members: $975
  • Gold Associate Members: $1,500


Or complete the paper order form.

Distributor Productivity Report

NBWA offers members the Distributor Productivity Report (DPR), an industry-wide research effort that is designed to serve as an easy-to-understand, actionable tool for firms to evaluate their company’s operating results in order to pinpoint strengths, weaknesses and improvement opportunities.

The Distributor Productivity Report is published biennially. The 19th edition updated with 2023 data is available for purchase.

This is a must-have document as you plan for next year!

Format: Online PDF


  • Participating Distributor Members: FREE
  • Non-Participating Distributor Members: $1,200
  • Platinum Associate Members: $975
  • Gold Associate Members: $1,500


Or complete the paper order form.