Press Release

NBWA Statement on Congressional Hearing Examining Fake Products Sold Online

Media contact: Erin Donar | | 703-229-3702

ALEXANDRIA, Va.National Beer Wholesalers Association President & CEO Craig Purser issued the following statement after yesterday’s hearing, “Buyer Beware: Fake and Unsafe Products on Online Marketplaces,” held by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce:

“Americans deserve to have confidence in the authenticity of their purchases. Yet, the rapid expansion of e-commerce has increased the risk of counterfeit goods entering the marketplace.

We appreciate House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. and Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce Chair Jan Schakowsky for holding a hearing yesterday to bring into focus the important issue of protecting online consumers from counterfeit – and potentially dangerous – products. This priority is even more critical when dealing with alcohol beverages due to the public health and safety implications from consuming tainted alcohol. In fact, in October 2019, 46 state attorneys general sent a letter to leading U.S. online vendors asking them to take precautions to prevent illegal alcohol sales online.

Fake alcohol is a global concern that the American alcohol regulatory system currently protects against. As lawmakers consider policies to address protections for online consumers, it is vital that we maintain the checks and balances put into place by America’s thoughtful alcohol regulatory framework and ensure adherence to the laws and regulations that were designed to protect the public. Current safeguards provide oversight of the supply chain and prevent counterfeit alcohol from arriving in bars or on store shelves.”