Press Release

America’s Beer Distributors to Celebrate 87th Anniversary of the 21st Amendment

Media contact: Erin Donar | | 703-229-3702

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – On Dec. 5, the National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA), the leading voice for America’s 3,000 independent beer distributors, will commemorate the 87th anniversary of the passing of the 21st Amendment, which repealed Prohibition and laid the foundation for today’s successful system of state-based alcohol regulation.

In celebration of this historic milestone, NBWA President and CEO Craig Purser issued the following statement:

“We raise a glass to celebrate the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which repealed the Prohibition of alcohol 87 years ago.

The passage of the 21st Amendment set in motion the development of the modern alcohol distribution system by giving states the power to regulate alcohol within their own borders, including the creation of the three-tier system. Thanks to the 21st Amendment, the United States is home to the safest, most competitive beer market in the world—and an industry that maximizes consumer choice and significantly contributes to the nation’s economy.

In this time of crisis, beer distributors are proud to play an essential role in creating jobs and supporting their local communities by keeping shelves stocked and delivering critical supplies. America’s 142,000 hardworking beer distribution employees are honored to be part of this time-tested network and say cheers to the success of the 21st Amendment.”

The National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) represents America’s 3,000 independent beer distributors with operations in every state, congressional district and media market across the country. Licensed at the federal and state levels, beer distributors get bottles, cans, cases and kegs from a brewer or importer to stores, restaurants and other licensed retail accounts through a transparent and accountable regulatory system. Distributors build brands of all sizes — from familiar domestic beers to new startup labels and imports from around the world – and generate enormous consumer choice while supporting more than 140,000 quality jobs in their home communities. Beer distributors work locally to keep communities safe by sponsoring programs to promote responsible consumption, combat drunk driving and work to eliminate underage drinking.